Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weekly Weigh-in 8/26/12

Weigh-in: 196.8 - Down 1.6lbs - Down 137.8 overall 
Slow and steady these days, which is just perfect for me.  I'm very excited to say that my BMI is now out of the Obese range and into the overweight range!  I don't put much stock into BMI because it doesn't take into account other factors like muscle mass and bone structure, BUT it's still nice to see a change in that category!

High of the Week: Getting under 200lbs and now leaving Obesity behind have been two huge and exciting milestones for me.  I've been obese for pretty much my whole life with the exception of a couple months my senior year of HS when I lost 20ish lbs and was in the overweight category....unfortunately it didn't last long back then and I quickly gained it all back and then some!

Low of the Week:  I had to take the week off of running because I hurt a tendon in my ankle.  It was a bit of a bummer to not be able to run.

Best Work-Out:  I couldn't run this week because of my injured ankle, so I had to get creative with my workouts.  I took a couple nice walks with my dogs.  I also tried a new strength class at my gym.  It's at 6:15 in the morning which is a bit of a struggle for me, but I feel it for days after!  As much as I love running, it was nice to change up the routine this week and try some new things.

Photo of the Week: 


Motivational Fitness Quotes
From Pinterest

Sunday, August 19, 2012

One-derland and my Fitness Re-assessment

Weigh-in: 198.4 - Down 3.6lbs - Down 136.2 overall 
I FINALLY got under 200 after teetering there for a couple weeks!  My weight begins with a 1 for the first time since my age also started with a 1!!  It's all a bit surreal for me, but I'm excited to have finally crossed this milestone.

I went in for my fitness reassessment yesterday morning as part of my wellness program at the gym.  I have these reassessments every three months and it tests both my cardiovascular and strength as well as some other health stats.  I still max out the leg press (400lbs) which means that I can leg press twice my body weight!!  I also almost maxed out the cardio test!  I think I will max it out at my next one.

At the end of my assessment, they enter all my stats in a computer program and I get a nice little print-out showing my progress.  I wish I had started this program when I first started my weight loss journey because it'd be great to see the stats of my progress from the beginning.  Now I just have them from the beginning of March.  Since then, I've lost 35lbs, almost 12" from my waist, and 6" from my hips.

The other thing that I like about my results is that it gives me an analysis of body fat vs. lean body weight.  I started at 40.5% fat and I'm down to 34.2%.  My lean body weight is 132lbs - meaning that if I had absolutely not one single pound of fat on my body, I'd be 132lbs.  Seeing this made me realize that I needed to re-evaluate my goal weight.  I know I've talked on here before about my changing goals, but I've never had much basis for my goal other than the BMI charts, which can be pretty useless since they don't take into account body composition.  

So, after looking at what healthy body fat percentages are and doing some math based on my current lean body mass, I've come up with a new goal.  Lean body mass can/will decrease as I lose weight, but it shouldn't go down too much more.  Athletes have between 14% and 20% body fat - I'm optimistic, but not delusional - I know I'll never fall into this category.  "Fitness" is between 21% and 24% and then Average is 25% to 31%.  I'd like to see myself in the fitness category, but I won't beat myself up if I am in the lower end of average.  If my lean body mass doesn't change, 24% would be 174lbs.  I figure it will go down some, so I've changed my current goal to 167.3 - it's a bit of an odd number, but it is half of my previous weight - I will be HALF the person that I used to be if I can make it to there.  I realize that this will put me on the high end of BMI and even a little into the overweight category, but obviously that's not always the most accurate indicator of fitness!

I promise I'm going to leave my goal weight alone until I reach my first goal and then I can re-evaluate!

From Pinterest

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weekly Weigh-In 8/12/12

Weigh-in: 202.0 - Up 1.8 lbs - Down 132.6 overall 
I was hoping to not see a gain this week, but somewhat expecting it anyway.  I don't like seeing a gain and it sucks since I was so close to a milestone, but I enjoyed my little mini-vacay with my friends and don't regret that.  I just have to get back at it, workout harder and eat better.

High of the Week: Coming home to my pets?  Maybe...  I don't want to say this week has sucked totally, but I've been dreaming about moving back up North all week and dreading seeing a gain on the scale, so I don't really know what my "high" is.

Low of the Week:  Coming back to work after vacation!  Sometimes it feels like it's not even worth it to leave because of everything I have to catch up on after returning, but then I remember how much I enjoyed myself while I was gone.  My sunburnt legs also made it hard to get motivated to workout this week...

Best Work-Out:  I got an awful sunburn on my legs before I left Massachusetts, so I didn't run much this week.  I did go to the 30/30/30 Interval class at the gym yesterday.  It was my second time and it really kicks my butt and the time flies.  I am trying to change up my routine a little more because I've been majorly slacking on my strength training!

Photo of the Week: 
Getting ready for my Sunday long run!  My new favorite outfit...if only I had hot pink running shoes to match ;)

From pinterest

Monday, August 6, 2012

Weekly Weigh-In 8/5/12

Weigh-in: 200.2 - Down 0.6lbs - Down 134.4 overall 
I was traveling all week last week and took off again over the weekend, so I weighed-in on my one morning home last week - Thursday.  Last Wednesday made 18 months that I've been at this and I was really hoping to inch into the 100s, but I didn't quite make it.  I just got home this evening (the 6th) and I won't dare step on the scale after the weekend I've had.  I'll have to keep really busy this week to make up for all the enjoyment of this weekend!

High/Low of the Week:  My high and low are one in the same this week - TRAVEL!  I got to visit Nashville, TN for work at the beginning of the week, which was fun.  I spent Monday night in Baltimore, MD before my early flight Tuesday.  I was in Nashville all day Tuesday and Wednesday before heading back home Wednesday evening.  Then I took off again Thursday mid-day to visit my friends in Massachusetts.  I really enjoy traveling and seeing different things, but it throws off my healthiness schedule.  Workouts aren't the same and eating is definitely not the same.  I try to make healthy choices and still fit in workouts, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't indulge!!

Best Work-Out:  Although I was traveling, I did get in a couple of good runs.  I set out for a 3.5-4mi run in Nashville on Wednesday morning, but ended up getting lost and went about 4.5 by the time I found my way back to my hotel.  Friday, I also woke up to run at my friend's house and set out for a run.  I thought I had a good route picked out for another 4ish mile run, but my turn to loop back to the house never seems to come...about 6.7 miles later, I made it back.  Unfortunately, I hurt my ankle during that run, so I was sidelined for the rest of the weekend.  I tried to keep moving, walking around shopping, swimming in the pool and the ocean, etc.

Photo of the Week: 
I'm a blog failure!  We brought the camera with us to Massachusetts, but managed to leave it home on all of our outings, so I have no pics until our friends send them to me.

never. ever. ever.
From Pinterest