Seeing the incredible things my body is capable of has only motivated me to see how much further I can push myself. I don't think I've ever set so many goals - such lofty goals! I plan to start small, but I enjoy browsing for things to do in the future.
My first goal is to complete a 5k. I've got my sights on the Color Run DC in September. It looks like a super fun, low pressure race. (
I may do another 5k before or after that.
Then I want to work my way up to a half marathon. Some that I'd like to do are the Shamrock Half in VA Beach, one of the Rock n Roll series (probably DC since it's the closest), and the Disney Princess Half.
I REALLY want to do Tough Mudder ( It looks like an interesting experience and will really test my physically. I won't be able to do it this year and I don't even know if I'll be ready for it next year, but it is definitely on my bucket list! I may do a Warrior Dash ( to "ease into" tough mudder - similar concepts, but Warrior Dash is shorter.
Then, one day, I WILL run a marathon. Even if it's only one. I will do it and I will run it.
If I can lose over a 100lbs (which I will have by the time any of these events roll around), I can do anything!
Anyone else get an inflated sense of self-confidence when they see themselves improving physically (and mentally, for that matter)??
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