Well, I did it. I got up early and ran in the morning.
Let me just start by saying that I am not a morning person at all! This was a situation of picking the best of the worst. Obviously, running in the blazing heat is not going to work this summer if it's already this brutal before June! There were thunderstorms and pouring rain Tuesday evening, so I headed to the gym to do my 4 miles on the treadmill. I'm pretty sure that was an even worse form of torture than running in the heat on the hills. I can deal with the treadmill for short intervals, but running for 4 miles straight seemed like forever and I just wanted to run into the cinder block wall in front of the treadmill. That left me with my last option - getting up early and doing my run before work.
I set my alarm for 6am half expecting to just roll over and say forget it. After about 15 minutes of laying there debating with myself about whether I would get up and go or just do it tonight, I finally got out of bed (realizing I also wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep). It was so nice and cool. There were hardly any cars driving by! The only downside is that I didn't eat before I left and I think that effected my performance - live and learn.
I am optimistic that I can make AM workouts a new habit! It leaves so much free time in the evenings that I'm not even sure what to do with myself.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Weekly Weigh-In 5/27/12
Weigh-in: 215.6 - Down 1.2lbs - Down 119.0 overall
High of the Week: I'm back to training!! I finally saw the Dr. on Monday. They took some x-rays and said they didn't see anything majorly wrong in there. The knee is feeling a lot better these days, so I'm just trying to be careful and be more in tune with my body. I registered for a 10k on July 14 and I still need to sign up for a local 5k on June 9th. I'm definitely going to do it, but there's no online registration since it's so small and I keep forgetting to send in the form.
Low of the Week: It's been a pretty good week. The stress of work is letting up a bit. This heat/humidity has been brutal on my running, though. I guess I'm going to have to suck it up and start running in the early morning...
High of the Week: I'm back to training!! I finally saw the Dr. on Monday. They took some x-rays and said they didn't see anything majorly wrong in there. The knee is feeling a lot better these days, so I'm just trying to be careful and be more in tune with my body. I registered for a 10k on July 14 and I still need to sign up for a local 5k on June 9th. I'm definitely going to do it, but there's no online registration since it's so small and I keep forgetting to send in the form.
Low of the Week: It's been a pretty good week. The stress of work is letting up a bit. This heat/humidity has been brutal on my running, though. I guess I'm going to have to suck it up and start running in the early morning...
Best Work-Out: It was a good work-out week! I got in my strength session Monday night. Got in three training runs - I'm working on increasing mileage for my 10k, so I started off with 3.5mi run this week. I also had an awesome personal training session Wednesday night with my favorite trainer! He likes to do cross-fit style workouts and I love to mix it up like that.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Weekly Weigh-In 5/20/12
Weigh-in: 216.8 - Down 1.8lbs - Down 117.8 overall
I didn't track at all this week and I had a pretty decent loss. I think I am a little looser with my points when I don't track everything. I have also mindlessly been hitting the candy bucket on my boss's desk, which is not good. I think I do pretty well with not tracking and just knowing when I need to exercise more, but I might go back to tracking for a little longer just to keep myself accountable.
High of the Week: I registered for the DC Color Run!! I'm excited about it and it sold out crazy fast, so I'm lucky I got in! It's not a challenging race, but I think it will be a lot of fun.
Low of the Week: The stress of work got to me again this week. We're all going crazy at work, so at least I'm not alone. I was able to keep up with my workouts better and I tried to curb my candy eating by bringing dried fruit to snack on instead.
I didn't track at all this week and I had a pretty decent loss. I think I am a little looser with my points when I don't track everything. I have also mindlessly been hitting the candy bucket on my boss's desk, which is not good. I think I do pretty well with not tracking and just knowing when I need to exercise more, but I might go back to tracking for a little longer just to keep myself accountable.
High of the Week: I registered for the DC Color Run!! I'm excited about it and it sold out crazy fast, so I'm lucky I got in! It's not a challenging race, but I think it will be a lot of fun.
Low of the Week: The stress of work got to me again this week. We're all going crazy at work, so at least I'm not alone. I was able to keep up with my workouts better and I tried to curb my candy eating by bringing dried fruit to snack on instead.
Best Work-Out: I am very excited that I was able to get in two runs this week!! I still don't have the endurance I did before, but I did do a 3mi run (with a few walk breaks). As far as calorie burning workout - it would have to be my marathon yard work session again. It only took me 2.5 hours this time and left me with a pretty little sunburn on my back. I also found this cute little guy:
Baby Red Spotted Newt - He was wondering through the grass and I didn't want to mow over him! |
This is probably the first summer in a long time that I've felt comfortable enough to wear regular shorts out in public. I do still need to work on my bright white legs, though! It's too hot for me to be too worried about that.
From Pinterest |
Friday, May 18, 2012
DC Color Run! I'm In!!!
Registration for the DC Color Run opened at noon today. I had my partner register me right at noon (since the registration site is blocked at work). Luckily, they have two dates and I was able to get into the first date (September 9th). The first date sold out before I got home at 5pm and I'm sure the second date will be sold out soon.

I'm so pumped for this race. I have to give a shout out to Kristi over at Starting This Minute for turning me on to The Color Run!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Weekly Weigh-In 5/13/12
Weigh-in: 218.6 - Down 0.6lbs - Down 116.0 overall
I didn't have a big loss this week and I expected that. I had a big loss last week and this week was crazy at work. I worked late a couple nights and missed a some of my workouts - I also tend to snack on bad things when I get stressed. I am hoping to get back on track this week, but it's probably going to be crazy again at work - I will just have to be more mindful of my snacking and try to get in my workouts! I forced myself to not track this week and I felt pretty good about it - I don't think my lack of tracking contributed to my small loss. I knew that I was not eating well and it wouldn't be a big week - I actually thought I might have gained (glad I didn't though!) Going to try to stick with not tracking and see how it goes.
High of the Week: I CAN RUN AGAIN!! I am easing back into it and trying not to hurt myself. I went out for a run Monday night and I ran on the treadmill Thursday night. I have definitely lost some endurance :( I'm just happy to be able to run again and not be in so much pain! I still haven't been able to get in to see the Dr. I was supposed to go next Friday, but they cancelled my appointment. I might just go straight to the Ortho to get checked out rather than wasting time at my PCP.
Low of the Week: Work is crazy stressful right now and I have been a little de-railed in my healthiness (missing workouts and eating sweets).
Best Work-Out: I had a good personal training session yesterday morning. Then I proceeded to come home and mow my yard that was severely overgrown due to the off/on rain that past 2 weeks! I spent 3 hours mowing (push mower on an acre w/ major hills!) Online calorie estimators put it at around 1300-1600 calories burned in that time ! Holy cow - that is more than I normally eat in a day! So, I gave myself free-reign on my eating for the rest of the day (maybe not the best idea, but I felt like I earned it!)
I didn't have a big loss this week and I expected that. I had a big loss last week and this week was crazy at work. I worked late a couple nights and missed a some of my workouts - I also tend to snack on bad things when I get stressed. I am hoping to get back on track this week, but it's probably going to be crazy again at work - I will just have to be more mindful of my snacking and try to get in my workouts! I forced myself to not track this week and I felt pretty good about it - I don't think my lack of tracking contributed to my small loss. I knew that I was not eating well and it wouldn't be a big week - I actually thought I might have gained (glad I didn't though!) Going to try to stick with not tracking and see how it goes.
High of the Week: I CAN RUN AGAIN!! I am easing back into it and trying not to hurt myself. I went out for a run Monday night and I ran on the treadmill Thursday night. I have definitely lost some endurance :( I'm just happy to be able to run again and not be in so much pain! I still haven't been able to get in to see the Dr. I was supposed to go next Friday, but they cancelled my appointment. I might just go straight to the Ortho to get checked out rather than wasting time at my PCP.
Low of the Week: Work is crazy stressful right now and I have been a little de-railed in my healthiness (missing workouts and eating sweets).
Best Work-Out: I had a good personal training session yesterday morning. Then I proceeded to come home and mow my yard that was severely overgrown due to the off/on rain that past 2 weeks! I spent 3 hours mowing (push mower on an acre w/ major hills!) Online calorie estimators put it at around 1300-1600 calories burned in that time ! Holy cow - that is more than I normally eat in a day! So, I gave myself free-reign on my eating for the rest of the day (maybe not the best idea, but I felt like I earned it!)
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Weekly Weigh-In 5/5/12
Weigh-in: 219.2 - Down 2.6lbs - Down 115.4 overall
I tried to not track this week, but it seems that I'm too attached to it. I don't even really need to because I already knew whether I was going to be over/under and what I needed to do to balance it out, but I just went to my spreadsheet every night and entered it anyway. Whatever I'm doing, it continues to work - I'll just let the details and little things fall into place as I go...
High of the Week: My partner and I had our 5th anniversary last weekend, but delayed going out to celebrate until this weekend since my dad was up last weekend. Today also marks 1 year since we closed on our first house! To celebrate both occasions, we went to one of our favorite places today - The Melting Pot! It was delicious. I did not even bother trying to calculate the points for my meal - I know it was outrageous, but totally worth it! I know that I got in lots of fruit, veggies and protein - we'll just ignore all the fat and carbs that were also included ;)
Low of the Week: I've been in a bit of a rut all week long. I'm really bummed about my knee problems and not being able to run. I was really getting into it and it's been 3 weeks since I really got to run. My hip has also started to act up - presumably due to my putting more pressure on it to relieve my knee. I did finally call the Dr., but couldn't get an appointment until the 18th. I'm hoping for good news, but I'm afraid that he's going to tell me not to run anymore. We've had some really great weather the past couple weeks, but I've been sticking to the elliptical. I have walked some, but that is just more frustrating for me. I think the hardest part for me is knowing that I did this to myself. I have had knee problems for a while due to my weight and now that I want to do something good for myself (running), I can't because my cartilage is already worn down from my years of obesity - it makes me mad at myself!
Best Work-Out: Tuesday night, I hit the elliptical for 45 minutes and came close to my highest burn yet - 1020 calories. I can tell that I'm losing some of my stamina from not running, but I powered through this workout and felt pretty good about it afterward :)
Photo of the Week:
I tried to not track this week, but it seems that I'm too attached to it. I don't even really need to because I already knew whether I was going to be over/under and what I needed to do to balance it out, but I just went to my spreadsheet every night and entered it anyway. Whatever I'm doing, it continues to work - I'll just let the details and little things fall into place as I go...
High of the Week: My partner and I had our 5th anniversary last weekend, but delayed going out to celebrate until this weekend since my dad was up last weekend. Today also marks 1 year since we closed on our first house! To celebrate both occasions, we went to one of our favorite places today - The Melting Pot! It was delicious. I did not even bother trying to calculate the points for my meal - I know it was outrageous, but totally worth it! I know that I got in lots of fruit, veggies and protein - we'll just ignore all the fat and carbs that were also included ;)
Low of the Week: I've been in a bit of a rut all week long. I'm really bummed about my knee problems and not being able to run. I was really getting into it and it's been 3 weeks since I really got to run. My hip has also started to act up - presumably due to my putting more pressure on it to relieve my knee. I did finally call the Dr., but couldn't get an appointment until the 18th. I'm hoping for good news, but I'm afraid that he's going to tell me not to run anymore. We've had some really great weather the past couple weeks, but I've been sticking to the elliptical. I have walked some, but that is just more frustrating for me. I think the hardest part for me is knowing that I did this to myself. I have had knee problems for a while due to my weight and now that I want to do something good for myself (running), I can't because my cartilage is already worn down from my years of obesity - it makes me mad at myself!
Best Work-Out: Tuesday night, I hit the elliptical for 45 minutes and came close to my highest burn yet - 1020 calories. I can tell that I'm losing some of my stamina from not running, but I powered through this workout and felt pretty good about it afterward :)
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