Monday, February 13, 2012

Maybe it's the Endorphins Talking...

I studied psychology, then got a Master's in Social Work.  For a brief period of time, I was even a therapist.  I always heard how exercising could help things like depression and anxiety - I even advised some of my clients to take up exercise to help with their symptoms.  Yet, somehow, fatass me was not convinced of their powers.  Since starting on my healthiness journey, I have finally learned the amazing power of endorphins and now I wish I had drank the kool-aid sooner!  There is nothing greater than the feeling you get after you really push yourself in a good workout.  I love that rush where I feel like I can conquer the world.  Unfortunately, my sanity is typically restored before I set out to run that marathon I think I'm capable of in that moment.

Seeing the incredible things my body is capable of has only motivated me to see how much further I can push myself.  I don't think I've ever set so many goals - such lofty goals!  I plan to start small, but I enjoy browsing for things to do in the future.

My first goal is to complete a 5k.  I've got my sights on the Color Run DC in September.  It looks like a super fun, low pressure race.  (

I may do another 5k before or after that.

Then I want to work my way up to a half marathon.  Some that I'd like to do are the Shamrock Half in VA Beach, one of the Rock n Roll series (probably DC since it's the closest), and the Disney Princess Half.

I REALLY want to do Tough Mudder (  It looks like an interesting experience and will really test my physically.  I won't be able to do it this year and I don't even know if I'll be ready for it next year, but it is definitely on my bucket list!  I may do a Warrior Dash ( to "ease into" tough mudder - similar concepts, but Warrior Dash is shorter.

Then, one day, I WILL run a marathon.  Even if it's only one.  I will do it and I will run it.

If I can lose over a 100lbs (which I will have by the time any of these events roll around), I can do anything!  

Anyone else get an inflated sense of self-confidence when they see themselves improving physically (and mentally, for that matter)??

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